Preferred Providers

Together with outstanding pet wellness and veterinary service providers, we aim to bring our colleagues, students, and clients the best in veterinary services from head to tail.

Victor Medical Company

Victor Medical Company is the largest privately-owned veterinary distributor in California, Arizona, Nevada, and Pacific Northwest. They are also a family company founded by people who believe in excellence and are dedicated to providing their customers with exceptional service. Click to learn more.
Victor Medical is proud to be family owned and operated since 1966

Trilogic Pharma

Presents Clindoral

Improve Periodontal Health with Clindoral Periodontal Filler

For use in dogs and cats with periodontal disease. Can be used in cases of bleeding upon probing, stage 1-3 periodontal pockets or sutured into extraction sites.

Learn More
The Ultimate Sharpening Machine

RxHoning- Home of the World's Most Versatile Sharpener

The Rx Honing machine is safe and easy to use for sharpening every dental instrument in your clinic.

Find out more
Our Choice for Loupes and Headlights

Enova Illuminations – See Better to Perform Better

Enova Illumination is advancing comfort, visualization, and illumination in veterinary professionals with their products which include world-renowned LED headlights, custom loupes, clip-on lights, and extra oral cameras.

Based in Minnesota, Enova produces and customizes their products, so each customer experiences the best fit for their practice. They have products available to buy online or if you would like to discuss the best options for your practice, a local representative will schedule a time to meet with you.

Explore the Enova product line and use the code VDS23 to receive 15% off items available in the online store.

Enter VDS23 for 15% Off

See how we use Enova products daily at VDS

More Partners Coming Soon

We're proud to kick off our preferred partners program with Enova.

We'll be bringing you more incredible equipment from our veterinary service providers shortly.

Looking for more vet pro resources?

Referring Vets
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Telehealth Services