Periodontal Therapy
We at VDS are experts in periodontal surgery (and guided tissue regeneration). If a tooth can be saved, we have the experience and technology to do ...
All dental treatments require anesthesia, and thus we at VDS take it very seriously. Anesthesiology is not just keeping your pet safe under anesthesi...
Veterinary Dental Radiology
Veterinary dental radiology is a very useful tool in diagnosing disease in the pet's nasal/oral region. At VDS we use a digital sensor system that req...
An extraction is the pulling of one or more of your dog or cat's teeth. This is often needed because of complications due to periodontal (gum) disease...
Vital Pulp Therapy
As in humans, the pet "endodontic system" is located in the mouth and encompasses the hollow area within a tooth filled with sensitive pulp tissue. It...
Root Canal Therapy
Root Canal Therapy involves the removal of the pet's diseased or infected root canal system (nerve). The most common indication for pet root canal the...
A dental crown in veterinary dentistry is a tooth-shaped "cap" that is placed over a dog or cat's
tooth. It covers the tooth to restore (or at least ...
Pet Jaw Fracture Repair
There are numerous causes of jaw fractures in both dogs and cats with the primary one being trauma. Others include a jaw fractures due to weakening fr...